Board Policies

Policy 4201 - Employee Ethics and Standards-SD

Policy 4202 - Childrens Protective Services Reporting and Student Safety and Welfare 

Policy 4203 - Corporal Punishment and Limited Use of Reasonable Force

Policy 4203-AG Corporal Punishment and Limited Use of Reasonable Force

Policy 4204 - Confidentiality of Student Information

Policy 4205 - Hiring and Background Checks

Policy 4205AG-1 - Criminal Justice Information Security

Policy 4206 - Employment Contracts-SD

Policy 4207 - Third Party Contracting

Policy 4208 - Applicant and Employee Criminal Arrest Charges Conviction

Policy 4209 - Abortion Referrals and Assistance

Policy 4210 - Drug and Alcohol Free Workplace; Tobacco Product Restrictions

Policy 4211 - Alcohol and Controlled Substances for Transportation Employees Subject to the Omnibus Transportation Employee Testing Act

Policy 4212 - Employee Assistance Program

Policy 4213 - Anti-Nepotism

Policy 4214 - Outside Activities and Employment

Policy 4215 - District Technology and Acceptable Use Policy

Policy 4216 - Personal Communication Devices

Policy 4217 - Social Media

Policy 4218 - Employee Dress and Appearance

Policy 4219 - Attendance

Policy 4220 - Use or Disposal of District Property

Policy 4221 - Employee Speech

Policy 4222 - Unauthorized Work Stoppage and Strikes

Policy 4223 - Resignation

Policy 4224 - Personnel Files and Payroll Information

Policy 4225 - Temporary Remote Work

Policy 4226 - Intentionally Left Blank

Policy 4227 - False Medicaid Claims-23

Policy 4228 - No Expectation of Privacy

Policy 4229 - Acceptable Use of Generative Artificial Intelligence